
Value Footprints and the Eye of the Beholder

Value communication involves telling an economic WIFM (what’s-in-it-for-me) story to a customer about your product. To be more precise, telling multiple versions of that WIFM depending on the ...

Using Economic Value Estimation (EVE) to Execute a Value-Based Strategy

In an earlier post we identified a number of challenges that managers face when executing a value-based strategy.  Tom Nagle and I discussed these during our recent webinar for the Professional ...

Challenges in Executing a Value-Based Strategy

There’s much attention nowadays around the importance of an organization adopting a value-based strategy, especially given the current economic climate.  Pricing guru Tom Nagle and I recently ...

Strategy Execution

I was taught in business school that superior execution usually trumped superior strategy.  The premise being that big ideas can only succeed with the right attention to details. Or, as I think ...

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