April 2014 Tool Tip: Viewing Multiple Models Simultaneously

by | Apr 3, 2014 | User Content

HomeBlogUser ContentApril 2014 Tool Tip: Viewing Multiple Models Simultaneously

In this month’s tool tip, LeveragePoint Director of Customer Service Aaron Miller provides insights on how you can view multiple value models simultaneously using different tabs or windows in your Internet browser.  You can learn more about this by watching the brief 90 second video below or reading the Q&A piece. Note to best view the video, please maximize the player screen.
Question: Can I view multiple models at a time?
Answer:  Yes, you can! Some users find this very useful when they want to compare value models side by side. You can do this by opening multiple browser windows. This can be done in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Internet Explorer.
From the home page, right click on the link to the first model you would like to open, and either select “Open in a new tab” or “Open in a new window.” Then, repeat this for each subsequent model which you would like to open. Finally, position each value model side by side for comparison.
For a keyboard shortcut, try holding down the CTRL key and left clicking on any link to open it in a new browser tab; or hold down the SHIFT key and left click any link to open it in a new browser window. (For more Chrome, Firefox, and IE keyboard shortcuts, see here: http://www.webopedia.com/quick_ref/Web_Browser_Shortcuts.asp)

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