Manufacturing companies rely on innovative products and value-added services to drive increased revenue and profitability through direct and distributor sales channels. Vast numbers of products with sophisticated features create a challenge for marketing to deliver effective sales enablement resources to sales teams expected to communicate consistent customer value messages.
Easily accessible and ready-to-use sales tools that quantify customer value are essential for sales success. Watch to see an example of a B2B manufacturing value story in action.
Deliver Value-Driven Messaging
Digital transformation technology for marketing and customer-facing sales teams provide faster delivery of current product information and value driven messaging needed in today’s intense competitive manufacturing environment. Marketing and sales can be in total alignment regarding which value propositions should be presented to senior buyers based on specific business drivers for each customer. Collaboration by field people and marketing with Leverage Point’s SaaS solution for manufacturers insures that only current information and collateral is including with each value proposition.

Quantified Value Propositions Engage Customers
In Business Conversations
Selling system solutions for complex manufacturing business issues require sales teams to articulate early in the sales process the financial value your solution delivers to your customers. Value propositions show customers tangible financial results how your quality and innovative products reduce production costs, increase speed to market, improve efficiencies and more that stimulate value conversations with buyers. Your sales teams now have a competitive edge by first addressing customer problems directly versus solely depending on product feature presentations and relationship based selling.
Digital Value Propositions Shorten Sales Cycles
Leading marketing professionals know that static PowerPoint slides require sales teams to “get back” to decision-makers when the information and data presented differs from their specific scenario. An intelligent value calculator is integrated with every LeveragePoint value proposition so data assumptions for business drivers can be simply revised and new financial results (ROI, TCO, cost savings etc.) can instantly be visually presented to engaged customers. Additionally, your field teams acquire valuable customer data metrics that are willingly provided by customers early in the sales process on the same sales call.

Drive More Profitable Revenue With
Value-Based Pricing
Manufacturing companies must compete on value driven by innovative solutions and value added services and not just list pricing based on competitors pricing or a cost plus approach. Sales reps present the economic customer value of your solution that clearly demonstrates bottom-line results your typical customers derive. Customers buying based on the value propositions jointly created with your sales teams enable your sales teams to negotiate lower discounts.

LeveragePoint is a cloud solution that aligns product, pricing, marketing, sales enablement and sales teams around creating, communicating, and capturing value. Our tool allows these teams to collaborate internally around building a value-based strategy that can be transformed into dynamic value propositions that sales can use to clearly communicate the value of your offering from the very first sales call.