Value Quantification in Innovation: Boost the Profitability of New B2B Products and Services

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B2B enterprises across industries seek to create customer value by investing in the development of newer and better solutions for their customers. However, success is often elusive once these offerings hit the market. In industrial markets, the failure rate for new products or services is remarkably high, as many companies lack an organization-wide focus on customer value. By embedding value in the entire go-to-market process – from new product development and management to post-launch marketing and sales execution – B2B companies can deliver innovations to the market that customers are willing to pay a premium for.

Companies that excel at value management are 36% more profitable than those that do not. In this webinar, Todd Snelgrove shares best practices in incorporating value quantification and communication into the innovation process. During the session, he will share actionable strategies and real-life examples of value management successes and failures, drawing on over two decades of first-hand experience.

Todd Snelgrove

Todd Snelgrove is a global subject-matter expert (SME) in value buying and selling, with over 50 article references in key publications, such as, HBR and Forbes and key note presentations at over 100 external industry and customer conferences bringing new insights to the highest levels with customers, and challenging customers to choose based on best value, not lowest price. Todd is Fractional VP of Sales, Powered by Sales Xceleration and the Founding Partner at Experts in Value, a consultancy firm that helps companies drive the value strategy from ideation to financial realization, by making sure that value is created, calculated, communicated and priced for."

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