Customer Success Tip: April 2017

HomeResourcesCustomer Success Tip: April 2017


According to our latest blog, Forrester Research states that, “the first vendor to succeed in communicating a vision to executives wins the business 74% of the time.” Despite this overwhelming statistic, many sales reps regularly risk losing out on these opportunities by sticking with the standard corporate overview as an introductory sales pitch. Buyers tend to hear the same message from most sellers, so why waste precious sales presentation time on the same mundane points in the same standard deck?

LeveragePoint has been working to become increasingly more flexible with the look and feel of your Value Proposition view. As of our latest release, all pages within Value Propositions now have the ability to be reordered, including our standard summary page showing key assumptions and total values. Not only can you incorporate your corporate brand throughout your Value Proposition, but you now can tailor your Value Proposition to any sales conversation you are having, ranging from call preparation to your final sales presentation to the c-suite. Whether you have a set storyboard or you choose to begin with the qualitative and end with the financials, you can have the increased ability to craft, build, and tailor your Value Proposition to any specific call.

Iteration, agility, and flexibility are always important, so the first version of your Value Proposition should never be the last. Testing your content, data, and look and feel is crucial as every sales presentation is going to be different to best fit your buyers’ needs. Continuing to use your corporate standard deck with the same messaging for every sales call provides you with minimal adaptability, limiting you from communicating your vision confidently and accurately.

So what are you waiting for? To begin changing the way you present your Value Propositions, ensuring confidence and success in your sales meeting, visit

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