Increase Your Sales Velocity: The Case and the Evidence for Value Selling

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Sales velocity is the best single metric to assess, guide, and improve B2B sales performance. By providing a clear, simple way to organize the essential factors that will drive this year’s and next year’s revenue growth, it helps sales professionals and their leaders focus on achieving their goals. There are four levers that enter into the formula, each one of which increases sales velocity: 

  • Increase the Number of Qualified Opportunities 
  • Increase the Average Deal Value 
  • Increase the Win Rate 
  • Reduce the Length of Sales Cycles

Value Selling is the best way for B2B sales teams to impact all four levers of the sales velocity formula, and as a result, improve their overall execution and performance. In this white paper, we dig into the data and make the case for value selling based on the transformational impact it has on B2B sales outcomes, as measured by sales velocity.

Peyton Marshall

Peyton Marshall

Peyton Marshall is CEO and Chairman of the Board of LeveragePoint where he works actively with successful B2B enterprises in implementing value selling. For 15 years he served in senior management roles in healthcare products and IT companies, having been CFO and Acting CEO of Panacos Pharmaceuticals, Inc., CFO of EPIX Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and CFO of The Medicines Company through their initial public offering and the commercial launch of Angiomax®. Before that, he was an investment banker for 12 years in London at Union Bank of Switzerland, and at Goldman Sachs where he was head of European product development. He has served on the faculty of the Economics Department at Vanderbilt University. Dr. Marshall holds an AB in Economics from Davidson College and a PhD in Economics from MIT.

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