Enhance Your Sales Performance by Selling Value

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Neil Rackham, Miller Heiman, Mathew Dixon, Reed Holden: What message do these sales gurus have in common?  They all place a large emphasis on the importance of selling not just products or overall offerings, but value to the customer.  Understandably. value selling is a major priority for top B2B businesses in order to increase revenue, but how does that translate to individual selling situations?

What are the best value tools for sales teams to use and when should they be used? How can marketing, product, and pricing professionals help equip their teams with the best information in the most digestible format?

In this webinar, Tim J. Smith, PhD discussed how quantitative tools, like value calculators and value propositions, are used during the sales process to drive improved value selling performance, including when to use them, with whom they should be shared, and the obstacles to sales effectiveness and efficiency that they help overcome.

Tim J. Smith

Tim J. Smith

Tim J. Smith, PhD, is the founder and CEO of Wiglaf Pricing, an Adjunct Professor of Marketing at DePaul University, and Academic Advisor to the PPS Certified Pricing Professional (CPP) program. He authored Pricing Done Right: The Value-Based Pricing Framework Proven Successful by the World’s Most Profitable Companies (2016) as well as the globally leading textbook Pricing Strategy: Setting Price Levels, Managing Price Discounts and Establishing Price Structures (2012). At Wiglaf Pricing, he is supporting startups through Fortune 500 companies by consulting, training, books, and other media.

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