Exploring the Value of Digital Transformation and Data Offers

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Over 80% of B2B companies declare having digital transformation programs. This has become a hot innovation area and one that requires business NOT as usual in the area of value and pricing management. Stephan Liozu, CVO at Thales Group, presents some of the key considerations to identify, quantify, and extract the value of data-rich offers (IioT, predictive maintenance, asset optimization, fleet management, etc). Based on his research and his experience at Thales, he proposes some of the unique considerations when it comes to value quantification and extraction of these offers.

Stephan Liozu

Stephan Liozu

Stephan M. Liozu is Chief Value Officer of the Thales Group. He is also an Adjunct Professor & Research Fellow at the Case Western Research University Weatherhead School of Management. Stephan holds a Ph.D. in Management from Case Western Reserve University (2013), an MS in Innovation Management from Toulouse School of Management (2005), and an MBA in Marketing from Cleveland States University (1991). He is a Certified Pricing Professional (CPP), a Prosci® certified Change Manager, and a Strategyzer Business Model Innovation Coach. Over the past few years, Stephan published academic articles in the Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management, Business Horizons, MIT Sloan Management Review, and Industrial Marketing Management. He has also written several articles on strategic pricing issues for the Journal of Professional Pricing and is a regular presenter at Professional Pricing Society conferences in Europe and North America as well as the Strategic Account Management Association conferences.

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