Value From a Chief Procurement Officer’s Perspective

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Leading B2B sales teams deploy value selling to boost commercial outcomes and profitability. By communicating the financial impact of their solution starting from the very first sales conversation, these teams are able to generate customer buy-in and fast-track decisionmaker approval through a shared vision of value that evolves into a business case to buy. However, before finally receiving the order, sales teams must often navigate the procurement organization. How do procurement teams think about value? Do they care?

In this webinar, Todd Snelgrove explores best practices for engaging procurement as part of a buying decision in order to persuade them to pay for the value your solution provides.

Todd Snelgrove

Todd Snelgrove

Todd Snelgrove is a global subject-matter expert (SME) in value buying and selling, with over 50 article references in key publications, such as, HBR and Forbes and key note presentations at over 100 external industry and customer conferences bringing new insights to the highest levels with customers, and challenging customers to choose based on best value, not lowest price. Todd is the Founding Partner at Experts in Value, a consultancy firm that helps companies drive the value strategy from ideation to financial realization, by making sure that value is created, calculated, communicated and priced for."

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