Value Marketing Tool
The modern B2B buyer’s journey begins well before the first call. Your prospects want to know your solution’s specific value before engaging with sales. LeveragePoint Value Campaigns transcend online value calculators, turning initial ROI web content into buyer-specific value stories for use in every sales call.
How it Works
Our interactive value tool is an add-on module to LeveragePoint that allows customers to see the headline financial impact of your offering, initiating a consistent value conversation that continues throughout the buyer’s journey. Get more out of your LeveragePoint investment by letting website visitors begin to build their own value story rather than filling out a traditional lead form.

Generate High-Quality Marketing Leads
Introduce value early in the buyer’s journey with interactive web content that allows customers to quickly estimate the financial impact of purchasing your solution. Our Value Campaigns allow customers to calculate the value of your offering and instantly download the results as a branded ROI report, visible to your sales team as the foundation for the first sales call.
Create Consistent, Outcomes-Focused Messaging
Build customer intimacy and trust by initiating sales conversations that instantly paint a vision of value from the first sales call. Submitted data gets fed directly into a LeveragePoint Value Story, supporting impactful sales presentations that invite the prospect deeper into the buying process.

Align Sales & Marketing on Customer Value
Drive sales and marketing alignment through integrated campaigns that focus on quantified value delivered. The prospect’s initial value estimates evolve throughout the sales process, using captured lead data as a foundation for a two-way value conversation that evolves into a shared business case to buy. (Feed customer data from internal databases into.
Easy Integrations with your Marketing Stack
Value campaigns can be inserted into any landing page, and are easily integrated into all leading marketing automation platforms, ensuring smooth handoff between marketing and sales. User data, both submitted and refined using LeveragePoint Value Stories, is visible to all CRM users through our robust integration.

LeveragePoint is a cloud solution that aligns product, pricing, marketing, sales enablement and sales teams around creating, communicating, and capturing value. Our tool allows these teams to collaborate internally around building a value-based strategy that can be transformed into dynamic value propositions that sales can use to clearly communicate the value of your offering from the very first sales call.